Tag: Rehabilitation


The 6D CARE Sliders are used by professional physiotherapists and osteopaths around the world. One of them is Sports physiotherapist Arjan Hermsen from Fysio Donders in the Netherlands.

Here are his thoughts and tips for using the 6D CARE Sliders from 6-Directions.

“I found 6-Directions through Social Media, and their sliding concept was something that I was missing in our daily practice! My co-workers and I are now using 6D CARE daily and with great enthusiasm. We are using our 6D CARE sliders with our regular patients as well as with athletes within running, handball, climbers, soccer and so on. The big advantage of 6D CARE for me is that it’s possible to train in multiple ways: for body control, strength and stability at the same time! 6D CARE is very versatile, easy to use and to take with you, which makes it an indispensable tool in my work as a sports physio!”

Arjan Hermsen

Physiotherapist and Sports physiotherapist, Master in Musculoskeletal Revalidatie Fysio Donders, Netherland

Arjan Hermsen has worked as a physiotherapist since 2012. With a Master in Sports Physiotherapy from HAN in Nijmegen, Netherland (Master Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation), he specialised in muscles rehabilitation, injury prevention tendons and joints, especially concerning injury occurring before, during or after exercise. His goal is to get his patients back to before the injury occurred as quickly as possible, and preferably by doing exercises that come closest to the patient’s sport.

Visit his website here

My top 5 exercises with 6D CARE

Here are my top five 6D CARE exercises I used with my clients. There are of course many more possibilities, simply ensure to keep varying and challenging your clients and always keep in mind what your goal is for each exercise.

Running man

3 series of 30 seconds.

The aim is to do as many repetitions as possible within the time limit while keeping your back as neutral as possible.

Sliding side lunges

4×8 repetitions.

Great for eccentric work and adductor related pain. Put your weight on the static leg, and pull the opposite leg back towards your static leg.

Curtsy lunges

3×12 repetitions.

Slide your leg from standing position behind your other leg and keep your weight on your front leg. Great for provoking and controlling the valgisation of the front leg.

Sliding push-up

3×10 repetitions.

This exercise is good for the core and in my opinion a great sport-specific exercise. You can do it on your knees or your toes depending on the stress you would like to put on your core muscles. Start in a push-up position and slide up with one arm, from there pull yourself back up to starting position and change arm.

Spiderman push-up

3×10 repetitions.

Another great exercise for the core and arms. Do a normal push-up and then pull your knee up to your elbow. Keep your back neutral.

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